On going projects
2011 projects :
- Our campaign against FGM (female genital mutilations)
started on 2009 up to 2011 continues to take place in many areas
of Kenya. This last year in Samburu district (Maralal, Wamba) and
in Transmara.
- We plan to build 2 new classrooms in Engasakinoi
village, Rombo area, Loitokitok district. The around villages have
classes with 100-110 pupils each. It's an urgent need to have more
- Alphabetisation project
for rural maasai women. Funded by GIVING WOMEN
- Construction of a classroom to the small
village IWOL, in SENEGAL.
- School furniture for 80 pupils in class
1 and 2 at IWOL. Planned for october 2011.
- We need 20-25 more school grants for High
school needy but brilliant students. Particularly Maasai girls.
swiss pencil industrie offers to us around 1000 colors pens
which we have distributed among 5 elementary kenyan schools.
Cecilia, a mother that MAA helped paying
to her Hospital to give birth by cesarian, and also to feed
with powder milk her baby ( aboy called Lemayian) so, that
the baby is not infected by HIV.
Cecilia, very proud with her cow. She has
2 more children to feed.
a project, on line :
Outreach Projects
In 2010, M.A.A.
equiped fully a boy's dormitory in Ilntumtum village. We bought
for them beds, matresses, bedings, pilows, and also kitchen utensils.
The building of the dormitory was finished 3 years ago (funded by
KCF) but since then abandonded because of lack of further funds.
We thank for the help in this project :
- La Fondation ROBIN DE BOIS
- La Fondation BNP PARIBAS
- UNWG (don 2009)
The dormitory hosts 50 pupils from 8 to 15 years
old, that live with their families quite distant from school, so
they could not get educated before.
Photos du dortoir
M.A.A. equiped with sanitaries (3 WC, 3 shower-rooms)
Ilntumtum primary school and his girl's dormitory.
M.A.A. also shipped around 500 story books in English,
donated to Ilkinsonko High School (Loitokitok district). Here are
some photos :
M.A.A. has paid school fees to 25 young girls
(8 to 15) in the boarding primary school "Rombo girls",
inRombo, Loitokitok.
Visit to UMOJA village at Archer's Post,
First contact with Borana community and life.
Later this area has been included in MAA campaign to eradicate FGM.
2 classrooms in Elerai primary,
During 2007 M.A.A. built two new classes for the
primary school of "Elerai", Oloitokitok District, besides
In that small village children
were taking lessons under the trees, because the small wooden building
(only 2 classes) has been assessed dangerous by the Ministry of
Health and it was simply closed. No matter if 350 children remained
without any school facility.
for 50 maasai girls at Ilntumtum Ilntumtum village, Narok district
How you can school Maasai children living at a distance of 3-4 hours by foot from the nearest school ? After hard thinking on the question and taking into account the local conditions (no road, no public transport) we launch the project of building a dormitory near the school. In that way, the pupils can stay 5 days a week in the Ilntumtum village and follow school lessons every day, then go back at their remote homes for the week-end.
The MAA (Maasai Aid Association) executive committee is very happy to announce that this project has been successfully completed.
The project comprises :
building a dormitory with a total surface of 200 m2, and a capacity of 50 beds, just besides the primary school of Ilntumtum
building a kitchen/cantina next to the dormitory (80 m2)
full equiped dormitory with bedings and bedsheets, pillows etc, and fully equiped kitchen with utencils.
construction of a water tank with a capacity of 37’000 litres and a collection system (pipes gathering rainfall water from the roofs of the two buildings)
four toillettes and bathrooms for the 50 children.
The Narok County Council offers food to puplis, during the school year.
We thank heartily the following donors :
Dormitory for 50 Maasai pupils
Dormitory inside
Parents have participated with their work along the whole project.
A committee of Maasai mothers keep the keys of the dormitory and takes care of the common wealth.
MAA offers regularly school material to small remote Kenyan schools (books, bloc-notes, colour pencils, school uniforms).
The "Worldwide English" of "Collège de Claparède" (High school) in Geneva has collected money and offered to the primary school of Ilntumtum in 2004 a library with 100 titles in English and Kiswahili.
Two classroom built in primary school of Ilntumtum, for 40 more children each
(near Narok)
Fulfilled project on 2003-2004
thanks to a private donation and the support of "Foundation BNP Paribas Swiss",
in collaboration with MED-Kenya
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